How to Avoid Plagiarism Actually, 10 best advice in 2024

Ensuring content’s originality and writing content that stands out is something that every writer wants. However, getting to that point is a challenge in itself.

Because plagiarism can be accidental, it’s still not any less damaging to the writer—or the blog.

Besides avoiding credibility, plagiarism can cause a lot of other problems.

Including long-term implications and penalties by search engines. That’s why it’s important to avoid it at all costs.

But, how to avoid plagiarism? How can you ensure your content’s originality when you write your blog posts? To find the answer to these questions, we must dive in deeper.

Therefore, let’s get started and understand how to avoid plagiarism in your blogs:

How To Avoid Plagiarism, Here are 10 Hacks

Why It’s Important To Avoid Plagiarism

Avoiding plagiarism is necessary because it can cause much harm to the writers. Besides ruining their reputation as writers, it can also cause problems for blogs.

It doesn’t only compromise your integrity as a writer; it also tarnishes your reputation.

As for your blog, it can cause problems such as this:

  • Void credibility
  • Drives organic traffic away
  • No high ranks in SERP
  • A penalty by search engines
  • Blacklisted by Google

These are all some of the problems that you do not want to face in the online world. Therefore, plagiarism must be dealt with accordingly and avoided at all costs.

Types Of Plagiarism To Avoid

There are many types of plagiarism. However, none of them is any less harmful than the other. Therefore, the three main types of plagiarism to look out for are:

Straight/Direct Plagiarism

Direct plagiarism is when a writer straight-up copies another writer’s content—be it whole content or a good chunk of it.

It’s considered the most immoral type of plagiarism, as the original author gets no credit for this.

On the other hand, when caught, the plagiarized content writer faces the worst penalties, such as bad grades in academics or disapproval of work in a professional setting.

In the SEO world, nobody might hire that writer again.


Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism is when a writer changes a few aspects of the content and lets it remain the same. This is also a case of bad paraphrasing on the part of the writer.

However, this is also considered one of the most severe types of plagiarism and should be avoided.


Accidental plagiarism is when a writer unintentionally writes content that’s similar to their own or another writer’s.

This happens when a writer studies other writers’ work thoroughly.

However, it’s still harmful, and you should try your best to steer clear of it at all costs.

10 Essentials To Avoid Plagiarism When Writing Your Blog Post

Avoiding plagiarism is a matter of tactics from the beginning. If you find plagiarism in your content after writing it, then that means something was fundamentally wrong with your approach.

So, you need to ponder things such as:

  1. Did you research enough?
  2. Was your headline really that different?
  3. What was the idea of the subject inside your mind? Did you firmly grasp it?
  4. Did you try your best to formulate original content?

If the answer to these questions isn’t “well enough,” then you might have missed the trick. So, here’s how to avoid plagiarism:

Finish Your Research

The first thing you need to do is understand your topic. Suppose you understand what it’s about, as well as its intricacies.

In that case, it will be easy for you to formulate the content accordingly. Therefore, you need to make sure that you:

How to Avoid plagiarism
  • Focus on the subject matter
  • Gather enough resources
  • Study data and metrics
  • Find complex intricacies

Grasping the central idea of these elements will help you write content that will woo your target audience. That’s why writers spend more time researching than they do the writing.

>>14 Best Keyword Research Tools For Affiliate Marketing<<

When you fall into procrastination, you will avoid doing research. I strongly recommend you finish your research and prevent procrastination.

You know what you want to write, thinking, “I already know what I will write, then why I will do research.”

At the end of the writing, you are getting results like these:

How to Avoid plagiarism

This is not your writing results; this is your procrastination and lack of research results. In this stage, you will do two things. The first one is research and the second one is a rewrite. Isn’t it?

You are wasting your time, putting pressure on your mind, and a deadline is knocking on your door.

Do so much research that when you are stuck on a paragraph or a line, your mind will have so many researched lines that you can make as your thoughts.

Therefore, you need to do the same to avoid plagiarism.

Note down all the points you want to capture

You have done your research, but you haven’t done your outline. What are you going to write, what is your primary focus, and many more? Then your research is full of time waste.

To make thoughts and research a reality, you must write essential factors and points.

Let’s suppose you want to cover the best food for dogs, and you have covered your research.

At the same time, do you have a note and pen? This answer should be yes. If you skip, your content will be comprised. As a good writer, you will avoid this mistake.

How to Avoid plagiarism

Here is a quick review:

  1. Word count you should use
  2. How many headlines?
  3. What are others not done?
  4. Correct stats
  5. Have you covered all the topics?

Sometimes we miss an essential topic accidentally. But later, we realize we have missed something vital that we should use.

It can be corrected when you start writing. So, don’t worry.

Formulate A Unique Headline

A unique headline goes a long way in helping you create outstanding content.

To understand how to write unique headlines, you need to grasp the topic firmly, which you should do in the research phase.

I am not telling you; I am a pro headline generator. But you can be one. The more you research, the more unique headline concepts you will get.

You have ignored our first point or searched for how to avoid plagiarism and now you are here.

That’s why you not only need to finish this point, but also you should finish the full article. You are done; you don’t need to search for how to avoid plagiarism again.

Then, try to write headlines that either ask a question or pose a promise. Either way, it needs to guarantee information. So, instead of this:

“How To Write Good Content”
Try this:
“10 Ways To Write Good Content.”

Compared to the first one, the second one promises information, i.e., the 10 ways. Therefore, make sure you write gripping headlines to write original and informative content.

Never stop here; take a tool that helps and see your title score.

In making a good headline, you will get many headline ideas, and the tool will show you how to use power, emotion, etc., words.

how to avoid plagiarism

Why headline analysis tools? You came up with a unique and great idea that doesn’t mean your title has all the requirements that you need.

Try Writing The Idea In Your Own Words: Subject Understanding

Writing good content requires you to present unique ideas in your own words.

Moreover, it’s an essential process in avoiding plagiarism as well. That’s why you need to make sure you write content with one intention: originality and uniqueness.

That’s why you need to present ideas in your own words and use your own opinion or understanding of the subject.

This way, you ensure that your content is outstanding. At the same time, you also ensure that your content is unique and plagiarism-free.

Your destination is X; what if you come across Y place. Why are you writing, and is your path still good enough? The answer is yes but is it 100% satisfactory.

Your post title will make your whole post, but your thoughts will make your post better than others.

Lower views always make noise, but deep discussion shows how noise works. You are putting your ideas just because you are good at them.

View your words as your viewers. Are they getting the excellent information that they are digging for?

It’s time to jump to the next point. You have to read out the next issue to make this more appealing.

You have to finish your own task

Everyone is not like you; their thoughts are different from yours. You have given your task to someone else, and he has taken (copied) words from someone else blog and put that into your blog.

There is no guarantee they will research properly before starting writing.

You are searching for how to avoid plagiarism, and you are doing your task with someone’s help. Make no sense.

When you write, you will keep in your mind that you have to avoid plagiarism. And I am sure you will do it. But without you, no way, man.

If they do, this will not be as you.

So, doing your own task helps you to avoid plagiarism.

>>How to improve your SEO writing with these three Best Paraphrasing Tools?<<

Imagine two characters to avoid getting stuck

Why will you do this? I don’t need to tell you. Imagination is the best part of doing something
great, and here is the same.

Someone is asking you the question and your imagination is answering. The more you answer, the more you can explore.

How to avoid plagiarism is not just a question; it’s about your writing and answering quality.

Try to ask yourself different questions and answer them without taking anyone’s bits of help. Avoid changing your exact path; ask as many questions as you can.

Your imagination is complete; you will come up with some unique lines that will help you for more visitors.

Check For Plagiarism In Your Content

Once you are done writing your content, the threat of accidental plagiarism still looms around.

So, you need to fire up a plagiarism checker and look for duplicity in your content. How do you go about doing that?

Make sure you pick a viable tool and then scan your content for plagiarism. Once, and if the tool detects plagiarism in your content, then you need to get rid of it subsequently.

To get 100% satisfaction, you can check your content on different plagiarism tools. The tool is an AI-based platform, and you should keep it in your mind.

How to Avoid plagiarism

Some lines can’t be rewritten if you forcefully do that; your path will be a break. But here you can write a similar one. Let’s know the details in our next point.

Rewrite Or Rephrase

The question remains, how do you get rid of plagiarism? One of the easiest ways to do it is by using a paraphrasing tool.

If not, try to rephrase the content in your own words to avoid any sort of unwanted duplicity.

How to Avoid plagiarism

Most newbies do use the rewrite tool. You can understand what your audience is searching for; tools don’t. Using the rewrite tool can make unique content for you, but it will not be engaging.

It’s not how to avoid plagiarism; it’s all about your rewrite capability.

What can you do? You can make your own words. So, your content quality will be unique, and your visitors will engage with your blog post.

Google says, “Engaging content will help you to rank better.”

Use synonyms

Synonyms can help you differently. In how to avoid plagiarism, topic synonyms are handy. You can check here how you will be beneficial:

  • To make a new sentence
  • Stuck on a new path
  • Critical words minimize
  • Vocabulary to ‘how to avoid plagiarism.’

As I told you before, there are some words/lines you can’t change. But you can minimize plagiarism using synonyms.

Cite The Original Author

Another good way to avoid plagiarism is by providing the source or quoting the original author.

This way, your blog post will get a viable outbound link, as well as some much-needed credibility.

You can probably see this just below the image. They mention “image source.” Whenever you use any quotation, mention the original author.

So, I am done. Now it’s your turn to create your unique and engaging blog post.


This is the strategy you need to employ to get rid of plagiarism. As you will notice, the strategy covers it all from the beginning of writing your article until after you finish writing it.

Therefore, follow it to ensure a plagiarism-free blog post.

I am very hopeful; that this post will help you a lot. I can remember those times when I could not write plagiarism-free content.

I have searched for how to avoid plagiarism. But all the time, I made some mistakes.

But now, what I can do in blog post writing without any mistakes, is my experience.

In my everyday content writing time, I use these 10 points to make my blog post unique.