Blogspot Affiliate Marketing How I made money earlier

blogspot affiliate marketing

The Definitive Guide for Blogspot Affiliate Marketing

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan, I may get a commission. Thank you!

You are searching for Blogspot affiliate marketing, but I am pretty sure you haven’t gotten any satisfying content. Most affiliate marketing content is visible on the WordPress site.

Most probably, this is easy to figure out how to do affiliate marketing on a WordPress blog. But when you talk about Blogspot affiliate marketing, it’s not about blogging, internet marketing, or something else.

This is all about sharing pure value in front of your visitor. The more you do the more you can make the sell.

Like human nature, what will we do? We will choose the easy way to cover any solution. I don’t know how many blog posts you have read, but today in this post, I will cover Blogspot affiliate marketing.

You are here, which means you already know what affiliate marketing is, or maybe not. Whatever, let’s understand what affiliate marketing is.

You may skip this section; I think if you don’t know what affiliate marketing is and how it works, then you can work on it and sell a product as an affiliate.

Don’t skip any section; go with all the areas and learn how you can earn like my earlier time.

As an affiliate marketer and blogger, Blogspot was the first platform where I made my first money as an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing on Blogspot sounds like you are an amateur blogger. Amateur blogging mistakes and affiliate marketing on Blogspot are in the same category.

Anyway, let’s jump to the main topic. Wait, if you want to avoid errors, you have to read carefully and twice.

What affiliate marketing is?

I have made a product or have the effect of offering you the commission if you can sell the product on my behalf, and you are, as a marketer, going to sell my product.

You are not working here for free because you will get a commission from my side whenever you make a sale.

Here are the three parts—you, me, and the product. The product is going to you as an affiliate, and as a marketer, you are selling. So, you are an affiliate marketer.

But before I give you the product access, I can ask you for your website/blog, social media profile, expertise, or something else.

In a word, where you are going to promote my product. It can be anywhere, like Google ads, Facebook ads, email marketing, blog posts, etc.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Why are you here? Obviously, for Blogspot affiliate marketing. So, you can submit your Blogspot blog in the required site section. By showing your blog, you are getting product access.

How does affiliate marketing work?

Here is all the game. Everyone who is making thousands of dollars knows how affiliate marketing works. It doesn’t matter where you are promoting affiliate products.

It can be a Blogspot site or WordPress site; it can be anywhere. Because in the end, your goal is to sell your affiliate product to make money.

Why you are seeking Blogspot affiliate marketing, the reason is that you are willing to make money through Blogspot affiliate marketing.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing requires trust when you are going to do it through blogging. But there is no line; you can’t work on Blogspot.

Yeah, it’s going to be hard because it’s free. This is the reason people always choose WordPress blogs.

The question is how to gain trust. You think I have limited resources, and I don’t have money to spend on paid ads. Let’s convert this hard task into an easy one.

You have two options. You can skip this post here, use Hostinger / Bluehost to Create a WordPress blog (You will get a free domain and free SSL), or you can read this full article to get your work done.

Are you getting bored? If yes, then let’s make it interesting. You have made your Blogspot blog; I suggest you use a free blogger affiliate marketing theme. Now it’s time to gain trust.

But before discussing trust, have you done Blogspot SEO? If yes, then good to go.

Trust process for affiliate marketing

There are two ways to do this. You have a problem, and you have solved it before, or you have something unique to share with your audience for free that can solve your audience’s problem.

It’s up to you what you will choose. Both are valuable for the trust process, and you should keep one thing in your mind which is time.

Here you are new, or you have started your journey recently. From your starting time to having trust, you have to be consistent in this whole process and time.

Share your unique thoughts to get benefits from your side. Are they facing any issues with your processor? Are they like to adopt your ideas? The more they appreciate your thoughts or solutions they will trust you.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Also, share with them what they need to avoid. You have shared all of the free solutions that you know. Now your audience will start trusting you.

At this time, you can share the paid method and, of course, your affiliate links products.

When you share your content on Blogspot, your chances are low to be visible in front of your audience.

Blogspot content takes time for indexing and ranking on search engines, and it’s hard to make backlinks for a Blogspot blog.

Don’t worry; We will discuss it. But if you are still confused about how to gain an audience’s trust, you can comment down your thoughts. I am ready to answer your question.

How to choose a product for Blogspot affiliate marketing?

Social media is one of your best friends to choose an affiliate product. I have the same reaction that you have currently, and let’s find out.

For Blogspot affiliate marketing, you must choose a very low-competition keyword and problem. When the competition is low, your chances will be increased to make sales.

For Blogspot affiliate marketing, you should care about niches and problems. If you choose a low-competition niche, it will be easier to sell your affiliate product.

Don’t worry; Quora and Reddit will help you in this case.

Quora and Reddit are the best platforms to find out about any problem and low-quality niche. People often discuss their problems on those platforms.

Just look at this screenshot. Here you can see the potential for fat loss. You will be more apparent when you look at the comment section.

There are so many comments and discussions, and you can try Quora.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Now it’s time to check the competition of the topic. To get accurate and transparent data, you have to use paid tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, and I know both keyword research tools are very high prices.

Now you will ask me why I am choosing this high-priced tool because you are here to make money, not for fun.

Am I right? Blogspot affiliate marketing is a full-on step-by-step guide.

So let’s do a simple trick to get accurate data. To do this, you have to open an account on Semrush. Don’t panic; you can do this for free.

Semrush will give you ten free searches for every free account.

It’s not all about you making hundreds of accounts, but you cannot find any good topic/niche/problem. To make this easy, let’s do this step together.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Like the screenshot, click on the Keywords Magic Tool, and in the search bar, type your keywords (As you can see, I have used fat loss keywords).

You can choose a different country like Canada, the UK, or Australia as I have done in the United States.

Then click on the Advanced filters, and set Results in SERP for 40-80. Finally, hit on the Apply button. Boom, here are the results you will need to use in your article.

Why 40-80? The answer is straightforward. Before using these filters, the SERP is very high at 148M, 232M, 117M, and more before using these filters.

That means there is already colossal content available on the internet.

And you are a beginner, so Google doesn’t value your content and will not index your content. Without google index, your content is useless.

Available content on the internet is low; you have the scope to make your content more visible.

blogspot affiliate marketing

Now you can see the results. Results are very low, and you can target each of them for your content. When you write those keywords, you will get a beginner boost.

In this way, you can filter any high-quality keywords and use them.

There is some content regarding any keywords; keyword competition is low and needs only some backlinks. So, your road is clear.

Hopefully, now you are clear on how to choose keywords using Semrush for Blogspot affiliate marketing. If you are still confused, then you can comment.

Content writing for Blogspot affiliate marketing

Your content is your wisdom. Before writing any content, check the intention. Why they are searching, and what are they searching for? But I would love to suggest you see this image.

content writing for blogspot affiliate marketing

Plan your content to write action-taking content should be your priority.

Every keyword that you have targeted is in your niche. Have you asked this question yourself?

Your best-ever casino blog post or your affiliate-related post, anything that you are doing should be informative and engaging for your audience/visitors.

Give your 100 and keep updating.

So many things you need to care about when you are for Blogspot affiliate marketing. Some of them we have already covered, like keyword research and niche selection.

But still, you have to be focused on this post.

As you can see in the image, very first plan your content, and it should be your first six months of content.

Because in six months, you will gain trust, make backlinks, and capture the audience for your products.

How to plan content?

It’s not all about you searching for your content plan, and suddenly a plan comes up in front of your eyes.

what is content writing plan

You don’t need to use gaming gadgets to see your content plan, and all you have to do is include all those factors you will need.

But what are those factors? The answer is very simple, and you can see from here:

  • Have you managed all the content headlines?
  • Have you covered all the sub-headings
  • All the images
  • Is your content better than others?
  • What is your content key point?
  • Is your every content word count 1800+?

When you do all of these with a six-month plan, you will be unstoppable. In the affiliate marketing ocean, you are not a single person, and you should keep it in your mind.

Content writing is not your only work to do. Let’s see what your next target is.

On-page and Off-page SEO for Blogspot affiliate marketing

SEO can make your content more visible, but when you are going to do SEO for Blogspot content, you have to face a hard time.

Step by step will make this challenging task easy. You know how to do guest posting, forum posting, directory submission, etc.

On-Page SEO

In this situation, people always love to choose WordPress.

There are so many plugins to boost on-page SEO, but when it comes to Blogspot, there is no such plugin that you can use.

But still, you can make some changes before adding a headline, do use a headline analyzer. Don’t forget to use powerful words, inspirational words, and numbers.

I recommend you use these points before hitting the publish button.

  • Don’t make your paragraph long.
  • Do add alt text in every image
  • Try to make keyword density 1%
  • Have you added a meta description (include your keywords)
  • Add keywords to the permalink
  • Add keywords to the headlines

For the description, you can use Counting Characters. Here you can manage your permalink. I personally use this tool.

Off-page SEO

You don’t need to learn so much about Off-page SEO. Just it’s a factor of ranking, Google has 200+ ranking factors, and off-page SEO is the most important factor.

In a single blog post, it’s hard to explain all of them.

Don’t worry about it. Let’s start our off-page SEO for Blogspot affiliate marketing.

blogspot off-page seo

I am not telling you that there are only backlinks when talking about off-page SEO. But in this section, we will discuss only backlinks.

So, the question is how I can make backlinks for my new post.

A guest post is the best way to do this in many ways.

Because in between guest posts, you are exchanging the value with someone else, and in return, the webmaster is giving back to you a backlink.

Getting backlinks is one of the most complicated ways. Every blogger has a unique way to make backlinks, and they will never share their strategies.

Here are some backlinks creation techniques.

  1. Guest posting
  2. Forum Posting
  3. Link exchange
  4. Comment backlinks
  5. Profile backlinks

Now it’s up to you what you prefer to do. Try all of these and then decide which one will suit you.

Why backlinks?

Now you know how to create backlinks but why you will do this? Backlinks will increase your site’s DA, PA, and traffic.

If you have written a great post, but if haven’t created any backlinks, then nobody can see your post.

If nobody is there, then how will you get traffic and sales? As I told you before, creating backlinks is hard, but you can make some backlinks.

For this, we have talked about only low-competition keywords.

Do marketing your blog on social media

We have covered all of the basics you need to know before starting Blogspot affiliate marketing.

You have the content on the low competition with some backlinks. In the meantime, we have forgotten to do content marketing.

You don’t have money to run Google or Facebook ads. Without running ads, you can also market your content on social media.

social media marketing for blogspot affiliate marketing

3.78 billion active users per day on social media is a significant opportunity for a marketer. Every day a new story is going to go viral.

In the image that I have shared with you, you can see the opportunities on social media. Proper social media marketing can change your sales process.

Now here the question is, how you will do this? Apart from this, you have to share, post, give solutions, and many more.

Marketing is a big part of sales, and you can’t avoid this.

We don’t want to make this section prominent. To make this easy, let’s take a look at a small line:

  • Share a problem-solving content
  • Listen to your audience
  • Do chat with your visitors
  • Use web mention

Open Quora and Reddit. See what topic they are discussing currently; is it related to your content or niche.

If yes, do participate and share a solution. Share your personal experiences.

Write action-taking content

Writing straightforward content doesn’t make any sense. Focus on problem-solving content.

Problem-solving content is always action-taking content. What does it mean by the action taken?

Someone is reading your content; if your content is convenient, your visitors will take action through your content.

It can be your real-time experience or your friend’s/family experience. Mix it with your content to get more results but never misuse it.

write action taking content

How to write action-taking content?

What is the disadvantage and advantage you have to share this? Of course.

When you compare two products, visitors are more interested in making a purchase. But do not write content like one-sided love.

Being honest is good in front of your audience, and they will love to share their pain—answer their every comment. There is one more trick to gain trust. Let’s discuss it.

Share free stuff. We all love free stuff, and you are just sharing free stuff; this will not work. Your free property should be valuable and practical; people use it in their daily lives.

Blogspot affiliate marketing is full of hard work and patience. But after reading this blog post, your task will be easy compared to other days.

Free stuff that is solving my problem, then I will use that stuff. I will use that stuff, but I will also share that content with my friend’s circle.

On the other hand, I have complete trust in your content. Isn’t it?

You have shared much valuable free stuff, and your audience started to trust you. Now you have to handle your traffic carefully.

First, start selling low-price products, but don’t go for high-priced products first.

Day by day, increase the product price. This is simple, scale it and grow your affiliate marketing business.

Research your market and focus on creating an audience

Today a product has a high demand, but it can be changed anytime. For this issue, having market knowledge is very good. You can make this easy when you focus on social media.

What product is currently on-demand, are they satisfied with a particular product? If not, try to give them a better solution.

market research for-blogspot affiliate marketing

Maybe you are thinking I am trying to do Blogspot affiliate marketing; then why I am reading for marketing knowledge?

I want to clear you. Here you don’t need to learn all marketing subjects, but you have to gain marketing knowledge.


Blogspot affiliate marketing is full of patience and hard work. If you don’t prefer to do this, I will advise you to check another blog post.

In this Blogspot affiliate marketing tip, we have covered all the topics you will need to know.

Niche selection to make a sales we have done all. Most time, people feel they give up because of sales, but this is a game of patience.

For Blogspot affiliate marketing, you must force Google to index your post. To do this, you can use webmaster index features and total ping.

Use perfect backlinks strategy to rank on search engines. Never go for high-volume keywords and high-priced products when you are a beginner.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.

22 thoughts on “Blogspot Affiliate Marketing How I made money earlier”

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