Shah! don’t share Social Media Cake insider secret 2024

Social media cakes are used to celebrate birthdays. In Social Media Cake you can see that most of the social icons are there.

Perhaps this is the main purpose of giving the name of that cake Social Media Cake. Celebration is good for the mind but have you ever thought that it can be useful for your site.

Check out the highest-earning blog site or website, most of them are using this idea. But we are not using Social Media Cake Ideas.

We like to eat to not work, I think that’s the main reason. The good news is that not everyone likes to eat. Some are workaholics.

You don’t need to be a workaholic, you just need to be a smart person to do it.

Social media cake

When I got the idea to increase my blog site visitors, I was completely hooked.

I have searched for blogging and the total result is 36,220. But in Buzzsumo the results are shown by total engagements.

Here you can easily understand why social media is important.

Why social media cake is important?

Before using social media, you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Social media can improve the overall development of your site and you can destroy your site by social media.

Every platform has advantages and disadvantages. Sharing posts on social media is really a nice side to your site, Something like Druski. During the bad COVID time, Courtney Clenney only used social media opportunities then why not you.

But the question is how much? Fine. I’ve been sharing my posts all day without adding anything of any other value.

Why do people click on the link you share without knowing what you are sharing?

Sharing blog posts on social media is very important but everything has a limit. You just shouldn’t cross the border. If you do then your site may be affected by cons.

Like a social media cake, you have to do your work on every social media. Because we are talking about increasing your site visitors with the help of social media.

We cannot depend on one social media. Most bloggers use FB only to share their posts/content.

If you want better output then you have to avoid it. In this case, the output will always depend on how effective your work is to your input.

The more people you know about what you are doing, the more people will come to your site.

You can use the two best strategies that I personally use.

  1. Web mention
  2. Social Share

Web mention: You have written a blog post but you do not want to share who is the author of that blog post. In this case, you can use the web mention strategy.

This method is so easy. All you need to become a smart blogger.

Suppose you have shared huge value in your blog post. Now you want to see your blog post at the top of Google search results or you want more visitors to your blog.

Open Facebook or wherever you are comfortable. Refer people who need your blog posts.

Someone is looking for a specific method and you have already written that. Just message him and let him know.

Here’s what you need to remember, you cannot share that you are the person writing the blog post. If so, he will think you are a scam or you are promoting.

The conversation would go like this… Hey, man, I see you’re looking for the “x” method/strategy. Luckily, I read a blog post yesterday that is awesome and has a lot of value. You can check that post if you want.

Here you do not need to share the link to your blog post. Ask him to search your blog post on Google.

And tell him not to look at the other results that Google will show him. But if he can’t find your blog post on Google search then you can share the link.

Also, check 8 SEO mistake and their effortless fix.

Remember don’t tell him that you wrote the post. In this way, you can easily rank your blog on the first page of Google. Because Google will start trusting your blog.

Many people are searching for posts and they are only clicking on your link and not on others’ links.

This way Google bot will think that this blog post has more than another blog post that is already ranking on Google’s first page.

Google will consider your blog as a reliable source. So you have two advantages. More traffic and more visibility.

Web mention mistake

Social Media Cake Strategy Bloggers often make mistakes in web mention strategy. They don’t build trust with the audience.

It’s social media, you’re here to enjoy, not stress. If you have a problem you’ll probably ask a friend. why your friend Because you trust your friend. Isn’t it?

All you need to do is use the strategy of making friends. Know your audience, try to build a connection with them, and listen to them. You can easily convert them into visitors when you have a friendship relationship.

No one knows who you are and what you do. When you share a post with him. He will definitely think twice before clicking on your shared link. Maybe he’s thinking, you’re trying to hack him.

Web mentions the best way

To get better output from web mention, you have to do it correctly. Join some FB groups and introduce yourself to what you do.

Make some friends and value what you know. If you focus on some FB groups you can see that they do not allow sharing of links.

But you can take the help of web mention and you don’t need to share your blog post link. You are asking your group friend to search your blog on Google.

So, you are not breaking the privacy of the group, still, you are getting the benefit. Isn’t that good?

Note: Always join the group that is in your niche. Don’t join so many groups because you can’t handle all the groups.

At Social Media Cake, social shares are our second strategy. Let us discuss what is a social share in Social Media Cake and what are its benefits.

Social part: This is normal if you are doing the blogging industry. Writing a post and sharing it on social media is a daily chore.

Not only bloggers but social media users also do this. The difference is that you’re doing it to get visitors and others are doing it to get pleasure.

Sometimes we have seen that a video or blog suddenly becomes popular or you can say trending. If you can make your post popular on social media, just imagine how much traffic you will get for just one post.

But you cannot do it using just one social media platform. You have to use most of the social media platforms where your blog post is appropriate.

The main function of knowing where your potential visitor is and who is really hungry for your blog post.

First, do research for your audience. If you do not know how to do this then you can take the help of SEMarch. This tool is awesome.

When you know where your potential visitors are hanging out. Then you can easily share your post on the platform where your visitors are.

Create a group of friends on social media and keep sharing posts with each other. Always try to give your 100, and always make your post valuable which is worth sharing.

How to use social share in social media cake

It’s funny, isn’t it? We all know how to use social media and share a post. But the main thing we don’t know is the correct way.

You will have some friends in your social media profile who are blogging. You might be in the same place.

If so, that’s good but if you don’t have one then make some that are in your niche. This is not a difficult task.

Here I want to tell you an interesting fact or you can take it as a scope. You have a friend on social media, you and he are both in the same place.

Here you can ask him for the guest post. Do you like this idea? If so, I will be glad because I have helped you. Let’s return to the main topic.

You now have your social media friends to share each other’s posts and I hope you are doing so with the right audience.

To get better results, you can use a page or group strategy. To do this, create a Page and Group. After doing this all you have to do is add the interested people.

Keep adding interest this will give you two more benefits. Firstly increasing the number of members and secondly targeting the audience. Create rules that help in the overall development of your page and your site.

I think Pages and Groups are the way to share your blog posts.


You have probably opened this post to know how to make Social Media Cake but here you have got another reason to visit this blog post again.

If you have ordered Social Media Cake then you must have seen that there are almost all types of social media logos.

Here’s the kick. People enjoy Social Media Cake and you are also enjoying Social Media Cake. Just the flavor your cake needs (blog post).

When you present your blog post as a social media cake, your visitors will enjoy your post like a delicious cake.

Comment on your favorite strategy. Which do you like the most, web mentions or social shares?