Create a genuine Personal blog Instagram in 10 minutes

personal blog instagram

A Comprehensive Guide to Personal Blog Instagram

Searching for how to make Instagram personal blog? Seems you are in the correct office.

1.22 billion people use Instagram each month, including you. Some pass the time by posting videos and photos, and some make money by using their Instagram account (Personal blog Instagram).

If I talk about you, maybe you have already passed your time, and now you are willing to make money, or you are here to learn how to do a personal blog on Instagram to make money through your personal blog Instagram.

When it comes to making money through Instagram, it can be many things like creating brands, doing business, and creating a personal blog.

According to YouTube, in 2019, Instagram influencers made the most money. It doesn’t matter which platform you use; the matter is how many followers you have.

When you have 10k followers, you can call yourself an influencer. It doesn’t matter who you are and what you do, and if 10k people are following you, that means you are influencing them.

Personal blog Instagram

What is personal blog on Instagram or personal blog meaning on Instagram?

An Instagram personal blog is not about amateur blogging or buying high-priced hosting. On Instagram, Personal means all about you, and here is the same.

You have created a page on Instagram to showcase your personal videos and photos. You post photos and videos about your day-to-day life, and you create a brand of yourself on Instagram.

People started following you, and you are influencing them through your activities. Being an influencer and creating your own brand creates many marketing opportunities.

Advantage of Instagram

  • Instagram is the 7th big visited website on the planet
  • In terms of Google search, Instagram is the 9th most-searched website
  • Instagram is the 2nd most-downloaded app
  • In terms of social media, Instagram is the fourth used social media
  • In India, Instagram is the fastest-growing market
  • 59% of U.S. adults use Instagram daily
  • Adults are using Instagram for 30 minutes every day
  • To discover a new brand, 1 in 2 people use Instagram
  • 44% of people use Instagram to shop weekly

You can take advantage of Instagram. Colossal marketing potential and marketing potential means earning money opportunities. Let’s grab these opportunities and make a personal blog on Instagram.

You should keep in your mind is Instagram is an image-based platform. To get the best extract from your photo you can use a photo editor.

But before creating a personal blog on Instagram, let’s see how it works. It will help you to understand your personal blog Instagram.

How does it work? (Instagram personal blog)

You make videos and take photos of your day-to-day life to create a personal blog. This way, you are creating your name on a specific platform.

But to convert yourself as a brand, you have to maintain an astonishing number of followers, and that’s when Instagram growth comes into account.

Keep reading; later, we will discuss how you can grow your account with followers, and lastly, you will have a personal blog on Instagram.

You can grow your account after using the correct strategies, brands will collaborate with you, and finally, you have opened a marketing chance. Let’s take an example of it.

We love to take photos in new clothes. You are a girl, and you have posted your new clothes photo on Instagram. You have posted your photo by tagging some clothing brands you are already wearing in the photo.

Brands have seen your post on Instagram, and if they think you are the right person to market their brands, they will contact you.

On the other hand, if you are a guy and have posted your photos by tagging the same brands.

Not only clothes, but it can also be haircare, skincare products, etc. Brands have seen your post, and they think you are a fit guy to market their products.

Personal blog Instagram steps

Creating an account on Instagram is easy. You can simply follow the process, or if you already have an Instagram account, you can skip this section.

We will first create a personal account and then convert it to a business account. Why a business account?

Benefits of business account

  1. Instagram will take you seriously.
  2. Instagram analytics will be enabled for you
  3. You can add your links to the stories
  4. You can advertise on Instagram
  5. Product tags will be available

You should change your account from personal to business for this valid reason. Now it’s time to open an account on Instagram.

If you are thinking about the benefits of your personal blog on Instagram. You will get the same benefits when you convert your personal profile into a business account.

So, are you ready for a personal blog on Instagram benefits?

Steps to create an Instagram account

Download the Instagram app from the Google Play Store (If you are an Android user) or App Store (if you are an iPhone user). Open the Instagram App and tab on the Sign-Up button and enter your information.

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Personal blog Instagram

Enter your email address or your phone number. The email address or phone number you have entered, ensures you have access.

If you don’t want to input your email or phone number, you can log in with Facebook, and it will also ask you to log in with your Facebook page.

Username and Password

You will need to set up your password and username. You will start your personal blog on Instagram, so give a username suitable for your blog.

App Profile Photo

Attach your profile image and set an eye-catching bio for your personal blog. If you want to add your website, you can also add it. You can change it anytime just by tapping the edit option from the top of your page.

Now it’s time to go for a business account.

Switch your account from personal to business

You don’t need to make another account to create a business account. Just you have to switch your personal account to a business account.

Why do you need to do this? I have answered this question in the benefits of a business account. So, let’s do this together.

You already know the benefits of a business account. Are you ready to switch your account to take full advantage of business accounts?

Go to your profile and tap on the hamburger from the top right corner of the app. Tap on the settings and then tap Account to go ahead.

You are on the account settings, and you will see a call-to-action button at the bottom side to Switch to a professional account. Tap on Switch to Professional account.

how to switch instagram account
Personal blog Instagram

Selecting business is the step of gathering impressions, reach, and video views within your reporting insights. Here you will see two options (Creator and Business).

As a blogger or an influencer, you are a creator. So, I don’t need to tell you which one you will choose. Tap on the creator and the next. Let’s move forward.

how to switch instagram account
Personal blog Instagram

Connect your Facebook account

When you are moving forward, you should not skip connecting your Facebook account. In the next step, you will see a Facebook page connection set up.

You have chosen which page you want to connect to, tap on it, and move forward. You have to take one step more, and after that, you are done.

Select a category

It’s very important when you are creating a creator account on Instagram. Your category will tell you what you are doing. You can search your category or directly select Blogger from the drop-down menu.

how to switch instagram account
Personal blog Instagram

After selecting the category, click on the done button, and you are all set. You can use Instagram for your blog. If you face any issues, you should read all the steps again.

You have done all the steps with full information. What next? In the next section, we will discuss how you can grow your personal blog on Instagram.

How to grow Instagram account

To grow your Instagram account, you will probably hear so many strategies. Some of them will help you and some of them are not. But in this section, we will help you with the best strategies that will help you more.

If you want to increase your Instagram followers in no time, you can use Top Follow APK. This is a third-party app, so use it at your own risk.

Let’s get back to the main topic.

Use Instagram analytics

When you are in the business area (Instagram business account), Instagram will provide you analytics after having 100 followers. Look at the analytics carefully; you will see the date and time.

personal blog instagram
Personal blog Instagram

Date and time? Yes, it is. This dashboard will tell you when you are getting more likes and followers. This dashboard will also show you which day and time you are getting this (like and follower).

So, next time when you will post, focus on the analytics that will help you massively. Most newbies ignore this, but Instagram analytics is compelling when you get more likes and followers.

Make a content calendar

Not being consistent is a real problem when you talk about growing the account. You have posted your new post today, but your next posting is coming after 2-3 days. Then you are searching for how to get more followers quickly.

content calendar
Personal blog Instagram

Take a look at your blog and try to make some excellent for the upcoming post. Please complete at least one month’s seat and give them a date. When a particular post’s date comes, look at the analytics and post it.

Showcase your account everywhere

If you don’t promote your account, how can people find your personal blog Instagram? Unless you do this, you will feel stuck.

Make sure your Instagram is listed on your site. If you don’t have one, you can make it for free. Another strategy is creating awareness, and visibility is better.

Connect with your every social media. This is the best way of promoting for free. Whenever you connect with another social media, it creates some curiosity to follow you.

Comment on your niche’s account

We think this will be your first step toward getting more followers and likes. This is not just commenting on your thoughts; it will be an accurate and action-taking comment. When you do this, you will see that your followers are increasing.

Be consistent with it, and you will get the results surely. Commenting can increase your visibility also. Your comment says you are there and have some information and experience. And for this human physiology, they will follow you.

Post content followers want

Think twice and take a break. Do you remember which post you have got more followers and likes? If you don’t, then open your account and see.

Why do you have such numbers of followers and likes? Analyze the post and make another one that matches your most liked post. Don’t make the same one.


We have done how to create a personal blog Instagram, and now it’s your turn to make a difference. Most people will scroll down only, don’t be one of those. Take your time and read the full post carefully; I am pretty sure you will get the results.

Personal blog Instagram is all about you and your lifestyle. What do you love to do, what you are doing, what is your favorite one, etc. You are making your personal blog and money. Try to avoid the unnecessary task.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.

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