How to keep your blog running while you’re away 6 proven tricks

How to keep your blog running while you're away

How to Keep Your Blog Running While You’re Away because you can’t do a thing for all time.

You have an outdoor plan, you have to finish your home project, and sometimes you will be sick.

Making a perfect plan for which day you will publish your post can make your blogging journey easy. Currently, you are publishing 10 posts a month.

Maybe next month you will be on a holiday tour.

For this, we have answered your question about how to keep your blog running while you’re away. Read the full blog post and you have the answer.

On your holiday tour, you can’t run your blog as you wish. This is totally different if your blog is all about its tour.

If your blog is not in the tour category then you have to face problems with post publishing.

Not just about your holiday or your day-off plan. It’s all about your consistency because we all know it. Being consistent is one of the best practices of blogging.

And when you are not in touch with blogging then problems occur.

Your blog is established then you don’t need to worry more than a newbie blogger. Your blog is established means your blog has high authority and your blog is getting traffic.

what happens if your blog is not established? Shortly, you can’t skip your blog daily. No matter which problem you are facing. Consistently, you have to do blogging until your blog gets successful.

So, now the main problem is how to keep your blog running while you’re away. Today’s post will help you if you are a beginner or your blog is established.

If you are a beginner then you first need to know how to do blogging.

If you are a successful blogger then you already know this. But knowing how to keep your blog running while you’re away is better if are willing or you don’t know.

Without further delay let’s discuss it together.

How to keep your blog running while you’re away

We have discussed here 6 proven tricks for how to keep your blog running while you’re away. These 6 tricks are very easy to apply on your site.

Your site will get more traffic than you are thinking.

The first thing that will come to your mind is what if I don’t publish blog posts for some days.

Planning to make your day off this question will come to your mind. Is this a hard or easy question?

Again how to keep your blog running while you’re away. So this doesn’t matter if it’s hard or easy. We have made this super simple.

It’s not just a question it’s a good topic (How to keep your blog running while you’re away?)

It depends on your plan. If you are planning to make your day off then you should make a solid plan.

Your first step will be to write an advanced blog post that will recover your day off.

I am not talking about writing advanced-quality blog posts.

Here You have to write some posts that you can schedule your post. Or you can simply publish your blog post.

Write a blog post in advance

As I told you before, your consistency is writing 10 blog posts in a month. In advance, you have to write 10 more blog posts for your day off. That means you have to write 20 blog posts in a month.

Writing 10 more blog posts is not an easy task. For this advanced writing, you can hire a writer. But before hiring a writer you should read the DIANNA GUNN blog post. Because the blog is your money-making property.

how to keep your blog running while you're away
how to keep your blog running while you’re away

Your face will look like this. No matter where you are.

You can publish your written blog post. Because you have already written your blog post by yourself or with the help of a writer.

You are planning to go to a holiday place where an internet connection is not available. In this situation, you can schedule your post for the next 10 posts or more.

If you want suggestions from me then I will suggest you do a schedule.

You are a travel blogger

You are here which means I don’t need to talk to you about what is a travel blogger.

If you are willing to go outdoors then this is a great chance for you. You can do blogging full-time.

Full-time blogging opportunities mean a golden time for you. You can blog your every step. Where you are staying, where you are going, and what you are exploring everything.

how to keep your blog running while you're away
how to keep your blog running while you’re away

I love this part so much. You are going for a trip and there you are doing your blogging.

Isn’t it awesome? Just you need to keep your mind some things and those are an internet connection, battery backup, etc.

Sometimes carrying a laptop is not an easy task. Here you can take the help of your phone. Capture every moment on your phone and note down every step.

When you are available on a laptop or computer, you can write and publish your post.

Guest post opportunities

No matter where you are. Just you need to do some customization for the newly written blog post.

Every day bloggers are searching for blog post opportunities. You can capture these opportunities.

Make a new page for guest blogging or write for us. Pass your terms and conditions for guest bloggers. If you don’t know how to do this then you can read isitwp blog post.

This post will help you a lot in creating your Write for Us page.

Important terms and conditions

  1. Submissions must comply with Medium’s Rules, Ad-Free Policy, Content Guidelines, and Curation Guidelines.
  2. Submissions must be unpublished.
  3. Submissions must be family-friendly.
  4. Submissions must be unique, well-organized, and of high quality.
  5. Titles and subtitles must not be anything considered clickbait.
  6. While we seek to provide aid to writers of all backgrounds, we acknowledge everyone is different.
  7. Submissions must not be spammy.
  8. Affiliate links and product endorsements must be appropriately disclosed in an obvious and unavoidable way.
  9. Submissions must be free of most calls to action (CTA).
  10. Submission must be ready to publish.
  11. Submissions containing improperly written paragraphs, and overusing one- or two-sentence paragraphs are rejected.
  12. All submissions (Images) must include a unique featured image right BELOW the title and subtitle.

You don’t need to follow all the terms and conditions blindly. You can customize it as per your requirements. Writer name, company name, address, etc.

Your site has guest post opportunities then your thinking process will start with a positive vibe. You just need to check the written posts before publishing. All controls are in your hands.

Select your category and apply your terms and conditions as per your wish. People will come and will write on behalf of you. You don’t need to take a headache. Everything will your yours.

Add author to your site

If you are using WordPress then you will get the option to make someone an author for your site. This is simple and easy. On your WordPress admin, you can see the user section.

From the user section bar, you can set up the author. The author will write all the articles that you will tell him. You are the administrator of your site, only you can do this. Your author will work on your behalf.

Let’s see how you can do this. First of all, click on the user section and then click on the add new bar. A new page will be opened for you. Here you can add your new author.

how to keep your blog running while you're away
how to keep your blog running while you’re away

On your new page, write down your author name, email, user ID, last name, and website address. Next section you have to generate the password for your new user.

After writing your author information into the box you have to check the checkbox “send user notification”

This option will send a message to your new author with an id-password. Lastly, you will see a box that we have marked as number 5.

Click here select the author and hit add new user button.

Now your new author is ready to write on your behalf. If you have any questions about these new user settings, you can comment down your doubts.

Schedule your posts

This is another good setting that you can apply for your advanced post. I love these settings because here you don’t need to contact someone (writer) to publish your post.

If you are away from your blog no problem, the post will be automatically published.

Just you need to set up the setting when you want to publish your post. Current day or some days later.

On the right-top bar, click on the setting gear and then post. Look at the publish right side and you can see the “Immediately” tab. Click on the “Immediately” tab and set up your settings for when you want to publish your post.

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how to keep your blog running while you’re away

If you have any options then you can follow the image instructions. You can better understand the image instructions.

For any doubts comment down your thoughts.

For every post, you can do this. You have written all requirement posts and then you can write for your next time the day.

You and I can’t talk about our sick situation.

Read: How Do You Find Blogs to Follow the Best 6 list

So, I always prefer to write more articles and set them for scheduled posts. If I am in a bad situation, those posts will be automatically published as per your set date. Every time write 10 more blog posts. This will help you a lot.

Use your phone

Nowadays a man can do anything if he has an internet connection and mobile.

We are getting digitalized. You are out of your home you can still see what is happening in your home.

Not only this security system, but you can also do so many interesting things including your WordPress site management.

I think you are just using your phone to entertain yourself with the help of social media.

There is no difference between the laptop/desktop and phone WordPress login pages.

If you are facing a problem with your phone then you can use the desktop version. This will help you a lot.

You are searching on Google how to keep your blog running while you’re away. Maybe you are using your mobile phone.

No matter if you have hired a writer or you have made a guest post page.

People only use your website for their benefit. So, you need to watch your website’s performance. I am not telling you you don’t need to hire a writer or make a guest post page.

Make them but you have to focus on your site progress.

how to keep your blog running while you're away
how to keep your blog running while you’re away

Log in to your site every day from your phone and observe what’s going on. If you face any problem then you can take action immediately.

You can delete the guest post page or you can delete your author id.

You can do this easily because you are the administrator of your site. Keep this small suggestion in your mind to keep your site free from scammers or anything bad.

To make a spam-free site read this whole blog post carefully. People can’t make spammy comments on your WordPress site. Remove the website field from WordPress comments.


How to keep your blog running while you’re away? We have covered this answer and you are going to do blogging when you are not connected to your blogging dashboard.

This is as easy as you are thinking this is hard. You don’t need to make your head heavy.

If you focus on all the steps carefully, your blog will run as it is running all the time. This is very common when you are not at home, your mind will think about your blog.

After completing the whole post you will have a good idea of how to keep your blog running while you’re away from your site.

If you have any suggestions then feel free to comment down your thoughts.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.

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