Why is a blog important for the company in 2024?

Why is a blog important to a company? I think these types of questions are faced by most companies who are not interested in blogging.

It’s not the main matter if you’re interested or not. The keywords are brand awareness, traffic, more leads, direct conversations, email marketing, and more.

Or you can take them as benefits of blogging. In today’s internet era, blog sites and company sites are growing very fast. But most of them are facing failure.

Why is a blog important for the company?

The question here is why? Let us discuss the question with an example. Suppose you have an offline shopping mall and you want to expand your mall.

Here you’ll be marketing signboards, newspaper ads, and something similar.

But the chances are slim that people will know your mall. But we’re talking about online and you’ll probably do some advertising.

Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, etc., and most companies are doing this. (Why is a blog important for the company)

You are doing the same. You will get results but don’t expect results. And when someone tries to get to know your company there is no part about your company.

Of this, most of the company’s website is failing.

In this blog, we will try to know…

Why is a blog important for the company?

There are many reasons to have a blog on your site. To the best of my knowledge, I will try my best to get rid of this question. So they are…

  1. Transportation
  2. Lead generation
  3. Live chat
  4. Email marketing
  5. Brand awareness
  6. Brand voice
  7. Build credibility

Traffic: This is the most important factor when you are online. If you are a business owner, you will definitely need traffic.

Why is a blog important for the company

Have you seen this graphic yet? The graphic here tells you the exact number of visitors who are using the blog on their site by the company.

The more traffic you have, the higher your sales. If there is no traffic on your site then maybe someone knows your site. And it will be very less.

You probably wouldn’t want to have this type of quality. (Why is a blog important for the company)

If you increase the number of traffic you will get more interactions. But this traffic should be quality. If you do this, you can easily get high-quality conversations.

Higher-quality conversations mean more sales. This is the expectation of every site owner. (Why is a blog important for the company)

As you know traffic link is the most important thing. Companies that do blogging get 97% of the links compared to other sites that don’t use blogs.

And in most cases, people want to know more about your site than your traditional ads.

Lead generation: If traffic is the backbone then it is the lead bone. The stronger the bone, the stronger you will be. In business, it is the same.

If you get quality (strong bone) your business touch success will be the inner point.

lead generation graphic

We have discussed traffic earlier because leads require traffic. You are running ads because you want to sell your product. Leeds is your ideal personality.

You expect your product to sell, but it doesn’t have a specific lead. More leads help you get more customers.

Quality leads help you get rid of time-wasting problems. (Why is a blog important for the company)

When you blog you have more traffic and more traffic helps you to get more leads. This is why a blog is so important to your company’s site.

The blog isn’t about leads, it’s about quality leads. When you have the traffic you know where they are clicking, and what is of interest to them. And for that, you are a well-wisher for your visitors.

When you know your audience thoroughly, you know how to convert your visitors into leads and then customers. (Why is a blog important for the company)

Direct conversation: Conversation is important when you want to build a relationship with your audience. You cannot build a good relationship without direct conversation.

When we talk about relationships there are so many benefits for your business. A good relationship builds trust, here you can feel free to ask any questions.

And the question allows you to get to know anyone better. If you don’t question, you will miss the opportunity to know someone’s needs. (Why is a blog important for the company)

If you don’t know the needs of your audience then how can you give them something special that solves their big problem.

As you know, a problem-solver marketer is always better than someone who is already in marketing.

This path is absolutely useless without a live chat blog comment system to know their needs. You have a company site and you are running a blog but you have not yet created a commenting system.

Here you will fail but the problem is you don’t want to fail, especially when it comes to blogs. Because it takes so long for the blog to see the result.

So don’t underestimate the power of commenting which will allow you to build a direct connection with your audience.

With live chat, you can easily ask any question to your audience which will help you to understand your audience better. Better understanding is really great for a good business.

Email marketing: When you visit a blog site, you will probably see that there will be an email newsletter.

If you like that blog you will subscribe to that blog and when they publish a new post you will get that post by email.

Not for new posts, they will share their tutorial by email. In this case, some bloggers provide their premium posts on email.

Something like “If you want to unlock premium blog posts you need to subscribe to that particular blog”. (Why is a blog important for the company)

Email is vital to building relationships with your audience, gaining trust, and building new leads and relationships with past customers.

email marketing benefits, why is a blog important for the company

Email is the perfect way to nurture a new lead. You can create an email sequence and send the day-to-day or 2-3 days later.

Publishing posts every day is a really tough job but if you take the help of an email sequence you can save your time and no need to create new posts to nurture new leads. (Why is a blog important for the company)

Your company doesn’t have a blog site so how can you create this type of email sequence. First of all, you have to create a blog site on your company website.

Depending on that blog and your company, you can take advantage of email marketing.

You have written a post on your blog site and someone needs the kind of value that you are sharing on your blog.

The chances of subscribing to your newsletter are 95%. When someone subscribes to your newsletter, that’s your new lead.

When you have new leads/customers, it’s time to nurture them and email is the perfect way to nurture them. (Why is a blog important for the company)

Share value on your blog and set up an email newsletter on your blog. Grab new customers, and convert them into leads by email nurturing. Give them the right direction. You have sales and trust.

Brand awareness: Brand awareness is the fastest step of any business. If someone doesn’t know about your brand then how will they buy from you? If you look at the Amazon website. Everyone knows about this site.

Creating a blog on the company site and then discussing your business in the blog post is the best way of brand awareness.

You are probably thinking that I will create ads and run for my brand awareness. (Why is a blog important for the company)

But people like your site content more than your traditional ads. What is your business about, how can a man be profitable from your site?

brand awareness data

According to 2013 market research, there are 128 million blog readers. Here’s why you run ads. You can get traffic through blog posts.

And here you can create your brand awareness. (Why is a blog important for the company)

Tell us about your brand. Share the value according to your brand and let them know why your brand is the best.

The content should be relevant to the service you are doing / your company is doing. (Why is a blog important for the company)

If you focus on the infographic I shared, then there is a huge potential for brand awareness if you are using a blog for brand awareness.

Brand voice: Running ads isn’t bad, but it attracts profit only if you have a distinctive brand voice.

You have attended a party and there was one person at the party who stood out distinctively and uniquely to his great story.

Not only about the man but you can feel the man as well when you try to retell that story. Because of its uniqueness. (Why is a blog important for the company)

When you have such an identity, you can easily get more benefits than before. Profit attracts profit. All you have to do is write a blog post to take advantage.

And the blog should be the core value and mission statement of the company. (Why is a blog important for the company)

It will be helpful to have two parts, one is your brand awareness and the other is your brand voice.

When you recognize another brand by simply reading the content without looking at the publisher. Do you know why? Because of the brand awareness of that company.

So the bottom line is, share your company’s core value in a unique way that will be your brand voice and it will help you for brand awareness.

Build Credibility: Everyone likes a blog with value. It’s not just about everyone even I like valuable blog posts.

When you regularly post valuable posts on your website blog area, visitors take your post as a reliable source.

If you are writing valuable content and your audience flags it as being of value then you are not only caring about selling the product but also about spreading useful information in your industry.

You can only do this with a blog on your website, not within traditional ads.

You are running ads, but in your background area, you don’t have any content related to our product. 47% of customers see three to four pieces of content before it enters the sales wrap.

You would think that this is only for their doubts. But when you solve someone’s problem at that time then you have put faith in him.

No difference here. She wants to know about the product or has a question. (Why is a blog important for the company)

When you have the right content on a specific product or problem that proves your credibility and increases sales.

So the blog is not just earning money from Adsense or Affiliate Marketing. (Why is a blog important for the company)

The blog must be marked as a trusted source. If you have done this you can touch the inner point. (Why is a blog important for the company)

What are the benefits of having a blog?

The blog will help you create a new niche for you online. You have a unique ID that will be called “one day”.

You can take the benefits which I have already shared. Except that there are a lot of benefits. (Why is a blog important for the company)

  • You will learn about new audiences
  • You will connect with new people
  • You can start a new business
  • You can sell more products
  • You can get instant feedback

It is really hard to publish content consistently but it will help you to know about a new audience. There are so many spectators.

Some regular and some new. You can learn what they want, what their problem is, and much more.

You’ll probably notice, that when you publish content on social media, you can see that more new people follow you.

It’s you are not publishing content on social media, it’s you are posting content on social media continuously.

If you think this is wrong. Just stop publishing and you will see, that your followers are decreasing day by day. And it’s true. (Why is a blog important for the company)

You can build a new business when you know your new audience. New business needs new customers.

Trying to find new areas and setting up a new business is always difficult. (Why is a blog important for the company)

But if you have new customers and you know them you can easily create one.

The best advantage I liked the most was selling more products. You are blogging, you are trying to know your audience, and you are trying to solve the problem of your audience.

You have an idea, you’re not doing it for free.

You want to make money from Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts, Digital Marketing, etc, and in most cases selling the product is the first motive.

The blog always helps you in doing this. (Why is a blog important for the company)

At the end of the day, you have the right response. When someone is giving you feedback it means you are doing awesome if his/her feedback is positive.

In some cases, you don’t need to wait all day, you will get a great response right away.

I have shared my opinion that I have a blog (why is a blog important for a company). I would be very glad if you find something of value. See you in the next post.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.

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