Measures for Preventing Fraud in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has blossomed into a potent industry with a staggering value of $17 billion as recently as 2023. Companies employing this strategy often witness a remarkable ROI. However, with the promise of commission earnings for affiliates, these programs also inadvertently expose brands to the risk of deception by scammers.

There’s been an alarming spike in affiliate fraud. Back in 2020, fraudulent activities accounted for roughly 10% of all affiliate traffic. Fast forward to just two years later, and that figure had soared to 17% for 2022, inflicting financial damages to the tune of an estimated $3.4 billion on businesses. We will talk about types of scams and affiliate fraud prevention.

affiliate marketing fraud

What are Affiliate Marketing Scams?

Affiliate marketing programs face significant risks from affiliate fraud, a deceptive practice where malicious actors manipulate the system to gain illegitimate commissions. These scammers create false leads or unfairly take credit for sales efforts they did not actually contribute to. The consequences of such deceit are far-reaching: unauthorized payments to fraudsters, revenue losses for legitimate affiliates, diminished return on investment (ROI), and potential damage to the advertiser’s reputation.

The root of this issue often lies in the incentive models employed by affiliate programs. These models aim to generously reward top-performing affiliates, inadvertently creating an opportunity for fraudulent parties. These scammers manipulate tracking systems to artificially inflate performance metrics, making themselves appear more profitable to advertisers and securing higher payouts.

Additionally, the eagerness of program managers to expand their network can lead to a lax vetting process. In their quest for rapid growth, they may compromise on thorough checks, inadvertently allowing scammers to join. While increased enrollment might seem like a success, it opens the door to fraudulent activities.

Despite stringent screening processes and rigorous terms, affiliate fraud persists. Fraudsters constantly innovate, devising new methods and identifying loopholes to exploit. Vigilance and continuous adaptation are essential to combat this ongoing challenge.

Types of Affiliate Fraud

Email Scams

Although a majority of consumers dismiss spam, it remains a potent tool for fraud. Just one transaction by an unwary customer with scammers can propagate fraud. Repetitive unsolicited emails tarnish the image of legitimate enterprises.

Implementing an SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Record is a strategic defense. SPF validates emails from your business, diminishing instances where genuine correspondence is mistaken for spam or rejected. Setting up SPF Records is an effortless process that offers substantial benefits.

Domain Impersonation and Counterfeit Affiliate Schemes

Cybercriminals often construct spurious websites mirroring reputable brands to deceive consumers, a tactic known as ‘domain squatting.’ Traffic, and thus revenue, is siphoned from legal affiliates to these fraudulent webpages. This not only deprives the rightful merchant of sales but also illegitimately enriches impostors.

Fabricated Online Interactions

Using intricate software, scammers can emulate customer activity to generate unjustified revenue through fake engagements like clicks and transactions. Click fraud, in particular, poses a dual threat by wrongfully inflating click-based earnings or as a petty strategy to bleed merchants financially without yielding actual sales.

Deceptive Browser Add-ons

Unscrupulous browser extensions, ostensibly offering additional web functionality, may covertly redirect legitimate user traffic for unearned affiliate gains. These extensions might switch out authentic referral codes or modify website advertisements to reap benefits unlawfully.

Illicit Transactions

Rapid commission disbursements post-sales pose a risk when tied to stolen credit card purchases. By the time merchants detect these illicit activities, largely through chargebacks or client complaints, the fraudster has typically withdrawn the commission and vanished.

Non-compliance with Affiliate Terms

Affiliates violate set promotional protocols by bidding on brand names in paid searches, aiming to maximize their profit against expressed guidelines and agreements.

Protecting your clients requires not only legal proficiency but also awareness of preventive technologies such as SPF records, vigilant monitoring of affiliate activities, and a proactive stance on cybersecurity measures.

Ways to Prevent Affiliate Marketing Fraud

1. Create Clear and Accurate Terms

While many forms of affiliate fraud may not be strictly against the law, they can infringe upon established terms and conditions of an affiliate program. To safeguard your program, it’s important to categorically specify which actions are not permitted. Make sure your terms include a definitive outline of the repercussions for such actions to ensure clarity and enforceability.

2. Clear Consequences

An effective Terms and Conditions agreement is essential to protect advertisers legally and also enables them to take action against fraudulent affiliates. This document must clearly outline advertiser rights to enforce compliance within their affiliate network.

Establish a clear and systematic procedure for managing potential fraud cases. This should include detailed records management, comprehensive investigative steps, and predefined protocols for penalizing violations.

You can even do your own research. Simply install a Chromebook VPN and follow the steps on the partner’s website. This is possible because VeePN can hide your real IP address and replace it with another one. Even if a breach of the terms might be unintentional, it is critical that advertisers formally caution affiliates and keep meticulous records of such incidents.

3. Check Your Cookie Length

To protect your profits from being dissolved by commission on orders that are either canceled or returned, align your cookie duration with your return policy timeframe. This strategy minimizes the likelihood that you’ll incur losses. With a 30-day return or cancellation window, ensure your tracking cookies persist for no less than the same period.

Vigilance against fraud is critical. Compile any signs of misconduct and formally caution the involved affiliate. Occasionally, the breach may arise from technical errors or factors beyond direct control — requiring additional time for resolution. Nevertheless, should the issue persist or if the affiliate is again implicated in fraudulent activities, it becomes necessary to sever their affiliation with your program.

4. Monitor Traffic

Understanding traffic trends can serve as an early warning sign of anomalous activity, potentially outpacing conventional fraud detection systems. Amassing a comprehensive data set, which encompasses IP addresses and referral sources, is key to identifying irregularities promptly. You can even anonymously investigate suspicious cases. Furthermore, by examining patterns among affiliate partners against benchmark reports, it becomes easier to establish normal behavior parameters, making any fraudulent activity stand out more clearly.

5. Don’t Auto-Approve Affiliates

Starting the due diligence process once an affiliate has already become part of the network could result in issues that are preventable. It’s advisable to allow the program manager additional time to thoroughly evaluate potential affiliates before admitting them into the network, by implementing stricter entrance guidelines.

Upon the admission of an affiliate, it’s beneficial to provide promotions that include inherent fraud detection services. This proactive approach helps to authenticate the validity of new affiliates and reduce the likelihood of fraudulent activities from the outset.

6. Create a Routine

Maintaining the integrity of your affiliate program requires a diligent and ongoing effort, especially after updating your terms and conditions and honing your ability to spot fraudulent activity. We suggest carving out time each week—designating a specific day—to review performance data and utilize fraud detection tools for affiliate compliance.

Begin with scrutinizing the outputs from your fraud detection software. Next, analyze your sales metrics and track the origins of your leads, keeping a sharp eye on any referring URLs coming through sub-affiliate networks. Follow this by examining IP addresses to flag any excessive duplicates. And don’t forget to watch for anomalous activities, such as unexpected sales or leads from typically low-performing affiliates.

7. Apply Basic Traffic Analysis Metrics

Unmasking Fraud: Analyzing Traffic Metrics

Your data is a precious weapon in the fight against fraud. To uncover deceptive practices, focus your analytical efforts on the following key areas:

Referring URLs Investigation:

  • Scrutinize unfamiliar or questionable referring URLs.
  • Beware of multiple redirects, which could indicate hidden origins.
  • Some affiliates may cloak their traffic sources.

Promotions and Traffic Verification:

  • Request URLs and images used for promotions.
  • Verify them for redirects.
  • Leverage tools like Alexa rankings and Similar Web data.
  • Ensure claimed traffic levels match reality.
  • Fraudulent traffic often masquerades behind seemingly legitimate websites lacking essential metrics.

Navigating Sub-Affiliate Networks:

  • These networks expand your reach but complicate fraud monitoring.
  • Monitor referring URLs meticulously.
  • Trace leads and transactions back to their origins.
  • Mandate unique IDs for sub-affiliate publishers.

IP Address Vigilance:

  • Multiple transactions from a single IP address raise suspicion.
  • Investigate further—credit card fraud or other illicit activities may be at play.
  • Recognize patterns that reveal deceptive practices.
  • Remember, vigilance and data-driven insights are your allies in the battle against fraud.

8. Enable Device Fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting helps detect suspicious activity by tracking the unique digital footprint that visitors leave upon entering your site. The technology captures and assesses users’ software and hardware configurations to identify anomalies. For example, repeated configurations could signal potential fraud through multi-accounting tactics.

Furthermore, device fingerprinting can pinpoint the use of emulators often employed by fraudsters, such as FraudFox or AntiDetect – tools known for automated abuse of affiliate programs. This, when used alongside other data enrichment solutions, can create comprehensive user profiles as it happens.\

9. Cloak and Monitor Your Affiliate Links

Shortening your affiliate URLs is not only about tidiness—it’s a smart strategy for tracking and memory recall. But there’s a stealthier benefit: it guards against commission theft through URL hijacking by hiding your unique affiliate ID.

Once you’ve cloaked your URLs, it’s crucial to keep an eye on them. Regular tracking tells you the source of your audience, enabling you to verify the credibility of the clicks coming in. Plus, this vigilance is your best defense against click spam and other deceptive activities that could affect your affiliate performance.


Affiliate marketing offers an effective way to grow your business and drive sales. Yet, it’s important to safeguard against fraudulent activities. Make sure to vet your affiliate partners thoroughly, monitor your program metrics and user behaviors diligently, implement IP address blocks for shady activities, and promptly dismiss any affiliates that don’t play by the rules.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.