85+ Mind-Blowing Backlinks and Website Traffic Statistics

Backlinks and Website Traffic Statistics

You have read right. A marketer or business owner knows no traffic means no sales.

I don’t need to remind you of this simple line, but are you doing anything to improve your SEO?

Maybe yes, or maybe no. No worries, keep reading.

In today’s blog post, we develop 49 and 38 backlinks and website traffic statistics that will open your eyes if you are missing something.

Some people think SEO is dead. For all of them, here is the screenshot we took from ahrefs.

seo search volume

Now it’s time to check out 85+ backlinks and website traffic statistics.

But we start with backlinks ❤

Here we go:

  1. Backlinks are one of the top three ranking factors in Google’s algorithm.
  2. Websites with high-quality backlinks have a higher Domain Authority (DA).
  3. A single high-quality backlink can be worth more than hundreds of low-quality backlinks.
  4. 94% of websites that rank in the top 10 Google search results have at least one external backlink.
  5. The average number of backlinks for pages ranking in the top 10 search results is 35.
  6. Links from .edu and .gov domains tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  7. The number of domains referring to a website is a key indicator of its overall authority.
  8. Anchor text is an important factor in determining the relevance of a backlink to the target page.
  9. Backlinks from websites with a high Trust Flow (TF) tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  10. Backlinks from relevant websites in the same industry tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  11. A natural link profile includes a mix of nofollow and dofollow links.
  12. Google Penguin is an algorithm update that penalizes websites with spammy backlinks.
  13. Backlinks from social media profiles don’t directly affect a website’s search engine rankings.
  14. Link building should focus on quality rather than quantity to avoid being penalized by Google.
  15. Broken link-building is a popular strategy that involves finding broken links on other websites and offering to replace them with working links to your own website.
  16. Guest blogging is a popular link-building strategy involving writing blog posts for other websites in exchange for a backlink to your website.
  17. Earning backlinks through creating valuable content that others naturally want to link to is known as link earning.
  18. Using reciprocal linking schemes can lead to Google penalties for participating websites.
  19. The number of backlinks a website has can affect the speed at which it gets indexed by Google.
  20. The location of backlinks on a page can affect their value to Google’s algorithm.
  21. The anchor text used in backlinks should be varied and not always include the target keyword.
  22. Backlinks from websites related to the target page’s topic tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  23. The age of a backlink can affect its value to Google’s algorithm.
  24. Backlinks from high-authority websites tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  25. Backlinks from websites considered spammy or low-quality can harm a website’s search engine rankings.
  26. A website’s backlink profile should be monitored regularly to identify and disavow any harmful backlinks.
  27. Using private blog networks (PBNs) to inflate a website’s backlink profile artificially is against Google’s guidelines and can result in penalties.
  28. Automated link-building software is against Google’s guidelines and can result in penalties.
  29. Backlinks from high-traffic websites tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  30. A website’s backlink profile should include a mix of anchor text, including branded and natural anchor text.
  31. The quality of the content on a page can affect the value of its backlinks to Google’s algorithm.
  32. Backlinks from websites with a high PageRank tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  33. Backlinks from websites considered authoritative in their industry tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  34. Backlinks from websites with a high citation flow (CF) tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  35. Backlinks from websites with a low Spam Score tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  36. The use of infographics can be a highly effective way to earn backlinks from other websites.
  37. Backlinks from websites with a high Domain Rating (DR) tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  38. Backlinks from websites with a high Trust Rating (TR) tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  39. Backlinks from websites regularly updated with fresh content tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  40. Backlinks from websites hosted on different IP addresses tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  41. Backlinks from websites in the same geographic region as the target audience tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  42. Using social media to promote content can help earn backlinks from other websites.
  43. The use of press releases to announce newsworthy events can help earn backlinks from other websites.
  44. Using broken link building to earn backlinks can be a highly effective way to improve a website’s search engine rankings.
  45. Backlinks from websites regularly cited by other authoritative websites tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  46. Backlinks from websites that have been around for a long time tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.
  47. Backlinks from websites with many internal links tend to carry less weight in Google’s algorithm.
  48. Using forums and discussion boards can be a highly effective way to earn backlinks from other websites.
  49. Backlinks from websites associated with well-known brands tend to carry more weight in Google’s algorithm.

Have you checked all? If yes, it’s time to check out website traffic statistics.

Competition is increasing every day. People are adding more and more websites on the internet.

252000 new websites are created every day, that’s huge.

But the question is, how many people are getting targeted traffic to fulfill their ROI or make money?

If your website traffic is low or decreasing, then we are here with 38 website traffic statistics.

Let’s check.

  1. On average, there are 3.5 billion searches on Google per day.
  2. Mobile devices account for approximately 54% of website traffic worldwide.
  3. The average bounce rate for websites is 40-55%.
  4. Organic search drives 53% of website traffic.
  5. Like the short video, visitors’ time on the website decreases by 2 minutes and 17 seconds.
  6. No one will recommend a poorly designed website; approximately 57% of internet users don’t recommend those websites to visit.
  7. After getting a bad experience, 88% of shoppers will choose a different site.
  8. Websites with video content have an average conversion rate of 4.8%, compared to 2.9% for those without video.
  9. Never skip image optimization because 39% of your visitors will stop returning if your images are not showing or taking much time to load.
  10. Over 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.
  11. Websites with a blog have 434% more indexed pages.
  12. Interestingly, search engines introduced online experiences for more than 70%.
  13. People love to read the first page of search results, and 75% never scroll.
  14. Websites with clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons have an average conversion rate of 5.5%, compared to 2.4% for those without CTA.
  15. 70-80% of users ignore paid search results, focusing on organic results.
  16. 64% of consumers make decisions after watching marketing videos on Facebook.
  17. The average website conversion rate is 2.35%.
  18. Websites with longer blog articles (2,000+ words) get 3x more traffic, 4x more shares, and 3.5x more backlinks than shorter blog posts.
  19. 55% of users spend less than 15 seconds on a website before leaving.
  20. Websites with a search bar have a 50% higher conversion rate than those without.
  21. Over 75% of internet users use mobile devices to access the internet.
  22. Websites with a fast loading time (under 3 seconds) have a 35% lower bounce rate.
  23. Never avoid UX/UI, the nasty design will reduce 38% traffic.
  24. Websites with customer reviews can experience a 63% increase in conversion rate.
  25. 89% of customers shop from a competitor after a poor website experience.
  26. The average website visit duration is 1 minute and 24 seconds.
  27. More than half of web traffic comes from mobile, and 61% refuse to return if they face access or loading issues.
  28. Websites with a live chat feature have a 10% higher conversion rate.
  29. Social media drives 31% of website referral traffic.
  30. Fully loading time for mobile is 22 seconds, but you have to make it 5.2 to 4.2 seconds.
  31. Websites with a clear value proposition have an average conversion rate of 18%, compared to 10% for those without a value proposition.
  32. Websites with 2 seconds or less loading time have a bounce rate of only 9%, while websites with 5 seconds or more have a bounce rate of 38%.
  33. Websites with customer testimonials have a 34% higher conversion rate.
  34. 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices.
  35. Websites with a clear message have an average conversion rate of 84%, compared to 42% for those without a clear message.
  36. Websites with social media sharing buttons have a 7 times higher chance of being shared than those without.
  1. Websites with pop-ups have an average conversion rate of 3.09%.
  2. 47% of website visitors check out a company’s products/services page before looking at other site sections.

These statistics demonstrate the importance of having a well-designed and optimized website that is user-friendly, loads quickly, and provides valuable content.

Businesses can increase website traffic and improve conversion rates by utilizing SEO strategies, incorporating multimedia content such as videos and images, and providing a clear call to action.

Additionally, providing a positive user experience through customer reviews, live chat, and clear messaging can help build brand loyalty and encourage repeat visits.


We have done 49 and 38 backlinks and website traffic statistics. If you and your website are missing something, you should fix it.

Running a website is far better rather than running a website with issues.

It will be a pleasant part for us if you are helpful with our backlinks and website traffic statistics.

Comment down your thoughts, what we are missing, and which point was newly introduced.

Surya Biswas

Surya Biswas is the author and co-founder of Bloggingrico. Here, Surya teaches beginners how to do blogging and affiliate marketing. Surya makes a full-time income from blogging and affiliate marketing.